Navigating Tough Times
The Navy Seals have a unique way of surviving the most difficult situations, conditions, and experiences. They train at the highest level, prepare for contingencies and have the best equipment known to mankind. At this time in our history, dentistry is faced with so many challenges that would have been impossible to predict; incredible educational debt, reimbursement declines, manpower shortages and now, COVID-19. Nonetheless, we must persevere, survive and then rise from the abyss and grow our practices again. Dentists and their teams are like entrepreneurial small business navy seals. We are well trained, tough and we will survive this evolution. COVID-19 presents challenges that grow each day; offices are sheltered, teams are temporarily unemployed, revenues curtailed, expenses amplified, and we face the risk of a pandemic affecting ourselves and our families. Give up? No way!
Think like a Navy Seal. Work the problem. Ask for and openly take help when offered. Communicate well. Don’t panic, but don’t bury your head in the sand either. Embrace the challenges. Our government and the ADA will help, but they will not solve all our issues. Our teams, families, and patients will suffer alongside us. They will look for us to lead. Hold our head up high, always look to the future and inspire others to see the way forward. This too shall pass. We may not know when, but if we take it One Day at a Time and move forward together, we will thrive.
Navy Seals often share quotes that inspire and explain. Here are 7 that inspire me right now.
1. The only easy day was yesterday.
2. Get comfortable being uncomfortable.
3. Don't run to your death.
4. Have a shared sense of purpose.
5. No plan survives first contact with the enemy.
6. Have a plan B, C, D and maybe even a plan E.
7. Plan for the worst and hope for the best.
I hope this analogy helps you gather the strength to carry on. Many of us live through the great recession of 2008-2009. It was tough for sure. The media made it sound like the end was near. Until a few weeks ago, the market was up over 300% and we were enjoying the longest bull market in history. Let’s all get together in 6 months and share our war stories. We will all have plenty!